Aspect | Good Health | Physical Fitness |
Definition | A state of complete physical, mental, and | The ability to perform physical activities |
social well-being, not merely the absence | with vigor and without undue fatigue. | |
of disease or infirmity. | ||
Components | Encompasses physical, mental, emotional, | Primarily focuses on physical components |
social, and spiritual well-being. | such as strength, endurance, flexibility, | |
and cardiovascular fitness. | ||
Holistic Approach | Takes a holistic approach, considering | Primarily focuses on physical aspects and |
all aspects of well-being, including | does not necessarily address mental, | |
psychological and social factors. | emotional, or social well-being. | |
Wellness | Goes beyond physical fitness to address | Physical fitness is a subset of overall |
mental and emotional wellness, social | wellness and does not encompass all | |
connections, and spiritual health. | dimensions of health. | |
Preventive Measures | Emphasizes prevention of diseases and | Focuses on improving physical |
conditions through lifestyle choices, | performance and reducing the risk | |
screenings, and healthy habits. | of injuries or ailments related to | |
physical activity. | ||
Outcome | Aims for overall well-being, happiness, | Aims for physical capabilities and |
and longevity. | performance in various physical activities. | |
Quality of Life | Considers factors like happiness, life | Primarily evaluates physical strength, |
satisfaction, and fulfillment as indicators | endurance, and the ability to engage in | |
of a good life. | physical tasks and activities. | |
Social Interaction | Recognizes the significance of positive | While it may indirectly promote social |
relationships and social support networks | interaction through group fitness, | |
in overall well-being. | its primary focus is on individual | |
physical performance. |